Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Catch Me If You Can

I don’t know what I’m doing here. I really don’t. For all of you out there that keep your blogs updated, your tweets sweet and your Facebook pages funky fresh; I salute you. Seriously.Last year when my friend and I spent the whole of our summer raving, going to gigs and doing the reviews he was also trying to get himself out there. As a pretty big Dubstep DJ (now ha ha) he was constantly on Twatter, oh sorry, Twitter and forever updating this and that. During all of this time I would smile smugly and turn my back on his antics while I watched the strip show/band/acrobatics knowing that I would never miss anything because I was still living in the real world.How truly ridiculous I feel now. Not only do I have to blog, not only do I have to read newspapers, keep up with current affairs (something that actually never bothered me before, now I find myself gagging for news) and have brilliant, fresh, amazing ideas...I also have to Tweet. Oh please God no. NO! NOOOOOO!

Confused? Yeah, me too. I am a trainee journalist doing a twelve week internship with Catch 22. They are a London based magazine, and they’re, well... pretty awesome. 
Obviously I might be a bit biased, so have a look...
Before I walked through the sliding doors of Tottenham’s Bernie Grants Art Centre (I always call it the Bernie Mac centre) I thought I was the dog’s bollocks. I can officially say that I was not, and even though I may be some day I still have so much to learn. Being taught by The Independent’s journalists, Kate, Matilda and Simmy is an amazing feeling. Learning from people that are in the industry and know what they’re talking about is so refreshing after being taught by people that learnt what they teach in a book, which is NOT OK. So now I am officially a tweeter, a blogger and a status updater. Court reporting, sub editing, and being sent onto the street to find a story...Well catch me if you can because I feel like I'm on fire! 

I'm not finished just yet and with only half of the course done we still have so much to do. Much excitement to come! And with that being said... Ever wondered why people go to extreme lengths to keep their partners interested? Know anyone that's shaved their back, tattooed their clitoris or worn a Jabba the Hut outfit in bed just for kicks? No? Well then watch this space... ;)

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